Future Manager Beyond Corona Virus #7


Author: Future Manager Research Center
“Now is the perfect time to start changes”

I am looking out of the window of my office – yes, in Germany we are still allowed to work on site – and it feels like a lazy summer afternoon in middle of August at the height of holiday season:

Sun is shining and everything is very quiet, only few cars on the streets and not many people walking by.

But it´s not!

It´s something that has come “overnight” overlaying the entire world. And the worst, economically speaking, in my opinion is yet to come. While we are still working on current mandates from the past, new ones are not coming in. And this perhaps for a long time. But I don´t want to complain, all the other business are suffering the same as we do in the recruitment business.  

Who could imagine this some months ago? I remember the beginning of this January with high aims in respect of turnovers, profits, market shares etc. Everybody started running like crazy, trying to overtrump the last years results.  

Do I want to condemn or blame the capitalistic system for this? No, not at all! As an entrepreneur I am in the first row to benefit from it with a high living standard as well as health & social security for me and my whole surrounding.

So what´s my point?

Let´s grab the opportunity of this crisis to reflect about the time “Beyond Corona Virus”:

Do I want to continue living my life as I have done it before?

What about my company? Do I have the right visions, business model, organizational structure, people on board to be successful after this crisis?

If there ever was a perfect time to start changes, than it´s now. Grab the opportunity to set up the visions for your future. Don’t be afraid.

I am looking for it!

We are proud to be there!
We are sure we will!

Future Manager Germany