Author: Future Manager Research Center In 1960 at the MIT Sloan School of Management, the american psychologist Douglas McGregor defined two contrasting assumptions about the nature of humans in the workplace. These are two motivational theories of human resources that explain how employees develop their productivity on a daily basis. The two models proposed by…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center Everyone knows Microsoft Excel, the popular spreadsheet system, which organizes data in columns and rows that can be manipulated through formulas that allow the software to perform mathematical functions on the data. The first spreadsheet on a personal computer was called VisiCalc (short for “visible calculator”) and was created in 1978 by…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center Economic science is the allocation of limited resources according to the infinite needs, motivations and expectations of individuals. But, how do you define needs? In 1954, the American psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow formulated a pyramid of needs. It is a motivational model of human development based on a “hierarchy…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center Living in a condition of disability due to the lack or malformation of limbs certainly involves great changes for these individuals and their families. The experience of amputation in fact represents a traumatic event that has repercussions on the psychological and physical aspect. As regards the physical sphere, the studies…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center The phenomenon of corrosion engenders enormous costs for our society. Besides the estimated $2 to $4 trillion lost every decade to corrosion in the United States, corrosion can compromise also people’s safety. Railway accidents, wear of emergency equipment, explosion of a dam, these are just a few examples that demonstrate…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center Gennaio 2021 – L’argomento è molto delicato ed è anche causa di accese polemiche, tuttavia le discussione sugli aspetti etici in relazione ad un’eventuale obbligatorietà della somministrazione di un vaccino anti COVID-19 sono all’ordine del giorno. La fase di realizzazione di un vaccino richiede delle tempistiche alquanto elevate ma grazie all’investimento di…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center The New Year has just begun but the incidence of COVID-19 continues to be undoubtedly worrying. With such a critical situation in the background, each industrial sector, along with the scientific one, has done its utmost (some more, some less depending on their possibilities) to provide support and help in…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center Laurence Peter, a Canadian psychologist active in the 1960s, has the merit of having formulated the so-called “Peter principle”, also known as the “incompetence principle”. Peter had set out to give his own interpretation of the mechanisms that regulate the corporate careers of workers, all embroidered with a good dose…
Read MoreAuthor: Future Manager Research Center La sindrome di Asperger e l’autismo di alto livello sono classificati come disturbi neurologici e complessi dello spettro autistico. Inoltre, una statistica fornita dal The Economist mette in luce il fatto che solamente il 12% delle persone affette da autismo svolge un lavoro a tempo pieno. Quello che bisogna tenere…
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