Author: Future Manager Research Center
Nowadays, is there any company that do not implement technology in their business strategies? Given the technological revolution that has caught on in the world economy, greater familiarization with the technical language becomes essential for the CEOs of any business.
Precisely for this reason, the CTO figure emerges powerfully in the business and economic landscape. We are talking about a sort of technical strategist who uses IT tools and technology to optimize business processes, activities and risk management of a company.
The era in which techies found themselves mostly isolated in the IT department is over: they are actually more involved in the decisions and projects of the boards of directors. Given the continuous technological transformations that underlie the change in today’s economy, these professionals are strategically very important.
Therefore, the acquisition of technical skills turns out to be a fundamental requirement for a successful CEO and, vice versa, an entrepreneurial background and business knowledge are an asset for any CTO or CISO.
It is expected, in fact, that the CTOs will no longer be exclusively experts in practical and technological aspects, but will also be coordinators and managers at the head of technical teams, thus assuming a managerial and guiding role, typical of the CEO.
In addition to fostering a greater interweaving between corporate and technical roles, adopting a placement rotation system within the C-Suite is crucial: it allows your company or business to become increasingly dynamic and open to technological changes.
The mix of technical and executive roles, perfectly interchangeable with each other, and the convinced adoption of a job rotation organizational model generate, therefore, a hybrid C-Suite able to cope with variable business needs and to face multiple problems and issues.