Future Manager World
North of France

Planning Future - Acting Present

One single simple Mission: supporting Companies HR needs Worldwide

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North of France


Stéphane Glaser - North of France Country Manager

Stéphane Glaser is 51 years old, living in Strasbourg, having two children (22 and 20).

Educational Background
Stéphane holds a degree of the ICN (Institut Commercial de Nancy), French Business School, based in Nancy as well as a MBA in Business Administration (Copenhagen Business School)

He speaks fluently English and Spanish

Managerial Background

A first sales and managerial experience spent at companies like Mars Inc. and Coca-Cola Enterprise &

A strong track-record in the Executive Search industry (more than 20 years)

Since 2009, owns Global Mind Search, with offices in Paris, Strasbourg, Zürich and Geneva, leading a team of 7 people

Entrepreneurial Background

Stéphane is a real entrepreneur who developed strong partnerships over the years with various types of companies, mostly international ones.


Stéphane Glaser

North France Country Manager

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Planning Future


Corporate: Entrepreneurial Succession, Managerial Succession, Change Management, Compensation & Benefit Analysis, Management Relocation, International Employer Branding planning

Talent Acquisition: C-Level Executive Search, Middle Management Executive Search, Existing top and/or existing middle potential assessment programs, Pre-employment aptitude and personality testing programming, International Graduate Recruitment Programs

Flexibility: Temporary Management, HRPO Human Resource Process Outsourcing, RPO - Recruiting Process Outsourcing, White Collar Outsourcing, Payroll Calculating

Training - Future Manager Business School


Financial: Private Banking, Investment Fund, Banking Technology, Corporate Banking, M&A, Consumer Financing, Mortgage

Industrial: Aeroespacial, Automotive, Agribusiness, Aviation, Chemical, Energy, Building, Manufacturing, Oli & Gas

Hi Tech: Software Networking, Telecommunications, Platforms

Roles and Functions:

Board: Ceo, Indipendent board member

Financial: Global Chief Financial Officer, Global Chief Treasury Officer, Global Chief Controlling Officer, Country Chief Financial Officer, Country Chief Treasury Officer, Country Chief Controlling Officer

Marketing: Global Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Global Chief Operational Marketing Officer, Country Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Country Chief Operational Marketing Officer,

Sales: Global Sales Officer, Country Sales Officer

Supply Chain: Global Chief Supply Chain Officer, Country Chief Supply Chain Officer

Human Resources: Global Human Resource Director, Global Recruiting Director, Global Development & Training Director, Country Human Resource Director, Country Recruiting Director, Country Development & Training Director

Information Technology: Global Chief Information Officer, Global Chief Digital Information Officer, Global Chief Technology Officer, Country Chief Information Officer, Country Chief Digital Information Officer, Country Chief Technology Officer

Today in Future Manager France

Future Manager Beyond Corona Virus #20

Author: Future Manager Research Center“French-German success story” Yes, no doubt. There are “Hiring Freezes” and “Reduced Working Hours” out there. We experience this every day, when customers call us to inform that our mandates are stopped: Engine and Plant Manufacturers, because they can’t finish their products due to missing parts from component suppliers. Or big global Corporations, whose Headquarters decide not to employ for the next six months. But every crisis also produces winners. Or at least branches, like logistics or retail/food store chains who can’t complain – and are doing business as usual or even better than before. Today I want to tell you about such a success story. When our French FM Partner – Stephane Glaser – asked us for support in a bilateral direct search for a French customer, we didn’t think twice. The task was to identify specialized Fleet Managers (f/m/d) in the field of diesel electric locomotives. Not an “everyday” position, but for us – as headhunters – an everyday challenge. And it helped, that the job-position could be realized at different facilities of the client in France and in Germany. Of course, suitable candidates dismissed us in our address because they were scared to change their employer in such times as the current ones. But others, who would have given us a “no” just weeks ago, were now open for conversation. Mostly, because their own employers are struggling at this moment. To sum up the story: Yes, we delivered, and we succeeded. A win-win-win-win situation for us, for our FM Partner in France, for the French customer as well as for the chosen German candidate. Success stories happen also during crises…! We are proud to be there!We are sure we will! Future Manager Germany

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GEC #3 Plus De Cadres Dirigeantes Dans Les Entreprises, Un Levier Vers Plus D’Égalité Professionnelle

Author: Future Manager Research Center Au tournant de l’an 2000, les femmes de plus en plus diplômées se sont organisées dès la sortie des grandes écoles pour s’imposer dans les fonctions à hautes responsabilités. Souvent reléguées aux postes de back office comme les Ressources Humaines ou le marketing et la communication, elles ont tenté de briguer des fonctions de stratégie, plus complexes et plus exposées. Elles y sont parvenues en adoptant des codes masculins qu’elles ont “féminisés” : cooptation, valorisation, réseaux, médiatisation. Ainsi, les cercles féminins se sont multipliés jusqu’à 2011, et la législation qui impose 40% de femmes dans les conseils d’administration. Ces réseaux de femmes sont également parvenus à convaincre les entreprises que faire respecter l’égalité professionnelle était un véritable avantage économique et stratégique. Un récent rapport de France Stratégie a par exemple chiffré que la fin des discriminations professionnelles rapporterait 150 milliards d’euros à l’économie française. N’est-ce pas là un levier de croissance économique qui porterait à faire réfléchir certaines entreprises ? N’avons-nous pas tous un intérêt commun dans cette évolution de mentalité pour un changement positif de notre société ? Créons de l’emploi, de la cohésion au niveau managérial, éthique et paritaire ! ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW: More Female Executives In Companies,  Leverage Towards More Professional Equality At the turn of the year 2000, more and more qualified women organized themselves as soon as they left the grandes écoles to impose themselves in positions of high responsibility. Often relegated to back office positions such as Human Resources or marketing and communication, they have tried to seek strategic positions, which are more complex and more exposed. They have achieved this by adopting masculine codes that they have “feminized”: co-option, promotion, networks, media coverage. Thus, women’s circles multiplied until 2011, and the legislation which imposes 40% of women on boards of directors. These networks of women have also succeeded in convincing companies that upholding professional equality was a real economic and strategic advantage. A recent report from France Strategy, for example, estimated that the end of professional discrimination would bring 150 billion euros to the French economy. Isn’t this a leverage for economic growth that would make some companies think? Don’t we all have a common interest in this evolution of mentality for a positive change in our society ? Let’s create jobs and cohesion at managerial, ethical and equal levels !

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Contact Us

Future Manager France - Paris
Office Paris Maison de l’Alsace
39 avenue des Champs Élysées - 75008
Paris - France

Future Manager France - Strasbourg
Résidence St Thomas, Place St Thomas - 2 rue Salzmann 67000
Strasbourg - France

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