Future Manager World - Brazil & South America

Planning Future - Acting Present

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Brazil & South America


Marco Antonio Bouhid - Brazil & South America Country Manager

CEPIA Member


Marco Antonio Bouhid

Brazil & South America Country Manager

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Planning Future


Corporate: Entrepreneurial Succession, Managerial Succession, Change Management, Compensation & Benefit Analysis, Management Relocation, International Employer Branding planning

Talent Acquisition: C-Level Executive Search, Middle Management Executive Search, Existing top and/or existing middle potential assessment programs, Pre-employment aptitude and personality testing programming, International Graduate Recruitment Programs

Flexibility: Temporary Management, HRPO Human Resource Process Outsourcing, RPO - Recruiting Process Outsourcing, White Collar Outsourcing, Payroll Calculating

Training - Future Manager Business School


Financial: Private Banking, Investment Fund, Banking Technology, Corporate Banking, M&A, Consumer Financing, Mortgage

Industrial: Aeroespacial, Automotive, Agribusiness, Aviation, Chemical, Energy, Building, Manufacturing, Oli & Gas

Hi Tech: Software Networking, Telecommunications, Platforms

Roles and Functions:

Board: Ceo, Indipendent board member

Financial: Global Chief Financial Officer, Global Chief Treasury Officer, Global Chief Controlling Officer, Country Chief Financial Officer, Country Chief Treasury Officer, Country Chief Controlling Officer

Marketing: Global Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Global Chief Operational Marketing Officer, Country Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Country Chief Operational Marketing Officer,

Sales: Global Sales Officer, Country Sales Officer

Supply Chain: Global Chief Supply Chain Officer, Country Chief Supply Chain Officer

Human Resources: Global Human Resource Director, Global Recruiting Director, Global Development & Training Director, Country Human Resource Director, Country Recruiting Director, Country Development & Training Director

Information Technology: Global Chief Information Officer, Global Chief Digital Information Officer, Global Chief Technology Officer, Country Chief Information Officer, Country Chief Digital Information Officer, Country Chief Technology Officer

Today in Future Manager Brazil & South America

Future Manager Beyond Corona Virus #13

Author: Future Manager Research Center“ Adapting workplace learning for now and the future ” Coronavirus has changed the way we think about our business models, products/services and how we relate at work. Inevitably, it also made us adapt to new realities about employee learning and development. In order for companies to remain competitive in this transition period and in the face of an uncertain future, they have invested in reskilling their employees with new sales, marketing and AI skills. This is done through digital training programs, using companies’ internal platforms or being offered by external providers. So what are the further steps companies can take to follow the results of digital training effectively? 1-  Build a cross-functional response team composed by employees from all relevant stakeholder groups: HRBP, vendors, IT, etc 2- Establish measures that can analyze the evolution of the employees who participate in the program. Their feedback would also be essential in order to improve the learning program. 3- Establish clear points that will allow you to decide when cancelling or changing an ongoing program and when to invest on a new one. The situation in which we are living with the coronavirus has given us the possibility to embrace this alternative as something effective not only for this moment, but also for the future. We are proud to be there! We are sure we will! Future Manager Brazil

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Future Manager Beyond Corona Virus #22

Author: Future Manager Research Center“ The challenges of managing people in social isolation ” The epidemic brought several challenges for companies. Managing employees efficiently is one of them, as employees may face difficulties to adapt to the home office while living with the uncertainty of the future and the safety of their health. HR plays a major role in tackling this crisis. It is not only responsible for helping collaborators adapt to remote work, but also for motivating and engaging them. The challenge brought by Covid-19 shows that having engaged and productive teams is the shortest way for companies to be able to react in the face of adverse situations. So what HR leaders can do to face this epidemic the best way? 1- Organize a diversified crisis committee, composed of representatives from different areas of the companyThis will ensure a more holistic view of the current crisis and the adaptation of employees to the home office, especially when different generations and needs are involved. 2- Have an open communication channel with employees Understanding the emotional state of employees, as well as the internal and external difficulties they face, is essential for organisations. In this way, HR can make adjustments to its policies and/or create new ones. 3- Create a safe and prejudice-free environment to talk openly about mental illness, prevention and well-being in the area of ​​psychological health 4- Invest on activities that can positively influence the psychological well-being of employees, such as: workplace gymnastics and yoga online, virtual breakfast, etc We are proud to be there! We are sure we will! Future Manager Brazil

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Future Manager Beyond Corona Virus #16

Author: Future Manager Research Center“ The way HR leaders deal with employees during this crisis is of utter importance ” The coronavirus epidemic brought new business realities, such as the remodeling of business models and the implementation of the home office. It not only brought insecurity to companies, but also to employees who fear losing their jobs and end up proving high levels of stress and anxiety. In addition, collaborators who live alone may feel lonely and burnet out while working on quarantine. So what can HR leaders do to address this counter-productive realities? 1- Build a collaborative workforce community 2- Invest on talent development and training 3- Keep employees up to date with the company’s plans and expectations 4- Ensure a balance between WFH (Work From Home) policies, the expectation of the company and the fulfillment of employees’ needs 5- Maintain an open line of communication with frequent check-in meetings with employees to ensure not only their work progress but also their psychological well-being We are proud to be there! We are sure we will! Future Manager Brazil

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Contact Us

Future Manager Brazil - Rio de Janeiro
529, Presidente Vargas Ave, 9th floor
Downtown - 20071-003
Rio de Janeiro/RJ - Brazil

Future Manager Brazil - São Paulo
72, Largo do Paissandu Square, Group 1701
Downtown 01034-010
São Paulo/SP - Brazil

Future Manager Brazil - Campo Grande
1409, Eduardo Elias Zahran Ave., 1st floor
TV Morena -  79050-000
Campo Grande/MS – Brazil

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