Future Manager World - Netherlands

Planning Future - Acting Present

One single simple Mission: supporting Companies HR needs Worldwide

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Femke Tjallema - Netherlands & Benelux Country Manager

Femke Tjallema lives in the the surroundings of Amsterdam with her sons Daan and Julian. Femke lived in Italy for several years, once back in Amsterdam she started working at an Italian bank. When the bank ceased its activities Femke started her own recruitment company.

Femke loves building relationships,  therfore 25 years later, FM Benelux has become a solid partner in recruitment for international companies in the Netherlands. Femke underlines the importance of soft skills during the recruitment procedure, finding “hidden gems” and guaranteeing long lasting relationships. FMA partner since 2019, managing challenging recruitment procedures for international clients.


Femke Tjallema

Netherlands & Benelux Country Manager

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Contact us today and talk with our Netherlands & Benelux Global Expert!

Planning Future


Corporate: Entrepreneurial Succession, Managerial Succession, Change Management, Compensation & Benefit Analysis, Management Relocation, International Employer Branding planning

Talent Acquisition: C-Level Executive Search, Middle Management Executive Search, Existing top and/or existing middle potential assessment programs, Pre-employment aptitude and personality testing programming, International Graduate Recruitment Programs

Flexibility: Temporary Management, HRPO Human Resource Process Outsourcing, RPO - Recruiting Process Outsourcing, White Collar Outsourcing, Payroll Calculating

Training - Future Manager Business School


Financial: Private Banking, Investment Fund, Banking Technology, Corporate Banking, M&A, Consumer Financing, Mortgage

Industrial: Aeroespacial, Automotive, Agribusiness, Aviation, Chemical, Energy, Building, Manufacturing, Oli & Gas

Hi Tech: Software Networking, Telecommunications, Platforms

Roles and Functions:

Board: Ceo, Indipendent board member

Financial: Global Chief Financial Officer, Global Chief Treasury Officer, Global Chief Controlling Officer, Country Chief Financial Officer, Country Chief Treasury Officer, Country Chief Controlling Officer

Marketing: Global Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Global Chief Operational Marketing Officer, Country Chief Strategic Marketing Officer, Country Chief Operational Marketing Officer,

Sales: Global Sales Officer, Country Sales Officer

Supply Chain: Global Chief Supply Chain Officer, Country Chief Supply Chain Officer

Human Resources: Global Human Resource Director, Global Recruiting Director, Global Development & Training Director, Country Human Resource Director, Country Recruiting Director, Country Development & Training Director

Information Technology: Global Chief Information Officer, Global Chief Digital Information Officer, Global Chief Technology Officer, Country Chief Information Officer, Country Chief Digital Information Officer, Country Chief Technology Officer

Today in Future Manager Netherlands

GEC #2 Kwart Vrouwen Overweegt Stap Terug In Loopbaan Vanwege Corona

Author: Future Manager Research Center Het is inmiddels duidelijk dat de coronacrisis vrouwen hard raakt. Uit Amerikaans-Canadees onderzoek blijkt dat één op de vier vrouwen overweegt werk terug te schroeven als gevolg van de pandemie. Vrouwen dreigen eerder hun baan kwijt te raken als gevolg van het coronavirus dan mannen, schreven analisten van Amerikaanse zakenbank Citigroup eerder…

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Contact Us

Future Manager Netherlands
Prinsengracht 462-B, 1017 KG
Amsterdam - The Netherlands

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