Author: Future Manager Research Center
For all the ambitious young women who want to follow in the footsteps of Mary Barra, Indra Nooyi or Ginni Rometty the road will not be easy. However, aspiring CEOs can equip themselves with a “survival kit” useful to beat the male competition.
The first point concerns the timeline: when is it better to start or how long do you need to delay before trying to make the leap in quality? Both men, but even more women, are always very inclined to find an excuse to postpone the fateful moment of the turning point. Waiting to finish a project, waiting for a greater economic stability letting ourselves bound by those we love and by family. These are all aspects that are not mandatory to set aside, however it is vitally important not to miss unrepeatable opportunities because the right time is often now or, as the Latins used to say, “hic et nunc”.
The career woman should not think that emotionality is an obstacle for her, sensitivity will certainly be put to the test, but if the emotions are well channeled and supported by the family and work entourage, there is nothing to fear. Starting to look around and find inspiration in other established CEOs will allow you to understand that you will not be alone, because a support (of any kind) is one of the fundamental components of success.
Being part of a minority doesn’t necessarily have to be a negative point if you know how to manage it. Women who manage to fill roles of the highest responsibility are more likely to attract the attention of the media an element that can be a springboard to stand out. If someone speaks positively about a CEO, his company will benefit as well.
We often have a caricatured vision of the entrepreneur and the CEO as the conqueror, the excellent salesman and the relentless leader who has no doubts. Another myth to dispel, everyone has doubts, men and women and this will not make you less valid leaders.
In a nutshell, a woman whose dream is to become a CEO must dare, aim high, give herself the best of possibilities and ambitions to her company, but she must also know how to manage her personal and professional balance.