FMW Global Monthly Magazine – Issue n. 2


What are the latest news from the market? And how is the world of HR Consultancy evolving around the world?

We are proud to announce the release of our FMW Global Monthly Magazine – Issue n. 2, where we will take a deeper look into these themes with a specific focus on geopolitics in Italy – and all over the world.

This issue’s Editorial has been written by Bernardo Tosco, Secretary General of Future Manager World. His valuable contribution that titles this Special Issue is called What does geopolitics look like from Italy’s perspective? and gives an accurate analysis of recent Country variables that turned out to be quite fruitful for the Italian market and government, as the “relaunched” cooperation with India.

Other relevant Global news contained in this issue concern Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, Renewable Energies, the HR Consultancy World and more.

Download and read Issue n. 2 below.